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Standalone tarbar release-CSDN问答
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25

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\"weixin_39926191\" weixin_39926191 2020-12-09 01:03 首页 开源项目 Standalone tarbar release

It would be useful if we can build td-agent as a tarbar so we can extract it to any path and run immediately without messing with the OS package manager like apt or yum. (we use supervisord to mange it instead)

该提问来源于开源项目 treasure-data/td-agent

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\"weixin_39755003\" weixin_39755003 3月前

tarball is useless because you need to setup script / other directories by manual.I mentioned it previous comment.

If you don t have a privilege of root, using ruby-build and fluentd gems seem enough.

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\"weixin_39743603\" weixin_39743603 3月前

I also want a td-agent tarbal, because we can not get to root privileges to yum install td-agent

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\"weixin_39755003\" weixin_39755003 3月前

td-agent and installed commands need the PATH to search libraries and gems.So simply extract may not work.

I use Gemfile to install Fluentd and related gems for testing with rbenv.It seems enough to test different versions.

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\"weixin_39926191\" weixin_39926191 3月前

Our current solution is to use rbenv ruby-build to isolate the ruby interpreter and gems from other apps running on the same system. This requirement is useful when you need to test different version of fluentd or plugins on the same system.

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\"weixin_39755003\" weixin_39755003 3月前

Hmm... such requirement now seems very rare, so this case is similar to other Linux distribution.

we use supervisord to mange it instead

BTW, you seems to launch fluentd directly.Why use td-agent? Installing Ruby and related plugins?

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本文链接: http://standtar.immuno-online.com/view-766757.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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